Family Online Devotionals
Each month we will be providing you a family devotional for you to enjoy at home with your children. These are designed to be done mostly with things around your house with easy to follow directions.
Family devotionals are made available weekly through the Family Ministry b-mail. To sign up for the Family bmail, email Pastor Marleah Doyle at
Date Nights
When was the last time you spent QUALITY time with your spouse? During the busy years of raising a family, it’s way too easy to take your spouse for granted and drift away from each other.
God has created husbands and wives to love, support and encourage one another during all seasons of our lives.
Each month, we will be offering a date night idea package for you to use to prioritize special time with your gift-from-God spouse.
To learn more, sign up for the Family bmail, and look for dates where child care will be provided!
Family Outreach/Mission Opportunities
Stay tuned for more information!