Children's Ministry

We're Here to Teach Kids about Christ!

Cubbies logo

 AWANA will run September 25, 2024 through April 30, 2025. It is for children ages 2 years through 4th grade. There is a $60.00 registration fee per child which covers the cost of their uniform, book, bag, and additional items throughout the year. If a parent volunteers at AWANA, the registration fee is waived.


Awana Clubs Puggles: Two year olds learn about God’s Creation, which includes them!
Awana Clubs Cubbies: Three to four year olds. Children learn about God’s love for them and begin memorizing short verses from the Bible. 
Awana Clubs Sparks: Grades Kindergarten through 2nd Grade. Children learn about their need for a Lord and Savior through Bible lessons and Verse memorization.
Truth and Training (TNT): 3rd-4th Grade learn about having a personal relationship with Jesus every day, and how to share their faith with others.

Sunday School

10:30 AM KidsChurch

The children begin in the sanctuary with their families for the opening worship time.  Following a children’s message, they are dismissed to their classrooms for age-appropriate teaching.  We offer 7 classes: Nursery – 2yrs.  Toddlers (2-3 yr olds), Preschool (4-5 yr olds), Kindergarten & First, 2nd Grade, 3rd & 4th Grade, and Link 56 (5th & 6th Grade). Please sign your children in and print their name tag out prior to the worship service beginning.

If you are visiting, please come to the children’s desk and we’ll help you sign your children in and show you where the classrooms are.  We’re very excited to meet you and your children!


Check out our regularly scheduled events throughout the year on this page. 

To find out about other special events at Bethany, download our app or sign up for b-mail!

Daddy Daughter Dance - February

(Ties & Tiaras) This is a special evening for dads and daughters from birth through 5th grade, including snacks and desserts, games, activities and or crafts as well as lots of dancing.  A photo booth is available to have a special picture taken.  Takes place on the Friday before Valentine’s Day each year.

Easter Festival - March/April

A family activity which includes various stations where families learn about the reasons we celebrate Easter as Christians.  Egg hunts are scheduled for various ages.

Vacation Bible School (VBS) - June

Children’s VBS

June 24th-28th, 9:15am – 12:00-pm Macungie Campus

4 yrs – 4th grade (Grade Based upon Year of School Just Completed)

Child must be 4 by June 24th.

Youth VBS


June 23rd-27th, 12:45-2pm Macungie Campus

5th grade – 12th grade (Grade Based upon Year of School Just Completed)

Enjoy a VBS just for our older students.  Same Bible stories and Scripture as the children, but presented in a different format at a deeper level.

Our 6th graders and older are still invited and encouraged to volunteer at the children’s VBS in the morning, pack a lunch, and stay for their own VBS in the afternoon.  5th graders are invited to arrive at 12:45pm.

Trunk R Treat - October

Held the Wednesday night prior to Halloween each year, families at the church and within the community decorate their cars/trunks with many different themes.  Families then trick or treat among the trunks.  It is a fun, safe opportunity for families to enjoy.  Crafts are available inside the church building.

Family Christmas Party - December

Held the Wednesday before Christmas week, this is a family event where we celebrate Christ’s birthday.  Each year the theme and/or activities are different.

for Updates

Want to get updates on what's happening in Bethany's Children's Ministry? Sign up to get updates through the Family Ministry bmail!

Connect With Us

Feel free to reach out to us with any questions!

Brittney Lutseo

director of Children's Ministry

                      610-395-3613 ext.19